Happy Holidays!

The Women’s Masters Network is looking forward to 2019 with a fresh start to a bright, new future. Our resolution is to be the best professional network in Houston for women with masters degrees! Together with our wonderful members, we are well on our way.

Thank you for the great reception to new name and branding and we’re looking forward to sharing our wonderful program calendar for 2019.

Our official launch event will be on February 12, and will embody a fresh new look (with some take-home goodies) to set the stage for a great new 2019 for all Women’s Masters Network members and attendees.

Make sure to share the event information with your networks!

We wish you Happy Holidays and an amazing start to your new year!

See you soon,

Karina, 2018 President

Juliana, 2019 president

Hami, 2020 president